🏠 / datasets / gov / Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka / LIBIS egzempliorių sąrašas / LIBIS egzempliorių sąrašas / Changes
_id | id | bibliografinio_iraso_id | savininko_padalinio_id | saugotojo_padalinio_id | savininko_spaudos_zenklas | saugotojo_spaudos_zenklas | bruksninis_kodas | inventoriaus_tipas | inventoriaus_id | inventoriaus_data | periodikos_tipas | periodinio_leidinio_antraste | periodinio_leidinio_pavadinimas_lt | periodikos_isleidimo_data | periodikos_tomo_nr | periodikos_metai | max_isdavimo_dienos | leisti_kopijuoti | leisti_isduoti | isdavimo_salyga | dabartine_kaina | dabartines_kainos_valiuta | pradine_kaina | pradines_kainos_valiuta | nurasymo_data | nurasymo_priezastis_lt |
bac1dab9 | 0000032028c56b7 | 8364eded371c1be | 910030f50debdcb | 910030f50debdcb | B99/7521 | B99/7521 | 015000027329 | Inventorinis | 99/7521 | 1999-05-28 | True | True | 1.7377 | Euras | 6.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
0e82841e | 000003d16f69bef | ffbf937471f5059 | c6df826be8b5d5c | c6df826be8b5d5c | Periodikos inventorinis | P:09/342 | 2009-02-19 | MAGAZINE | 2009, No. 3 | 1 | 2009 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2017-02-08 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||||||
20c2fdb8 | 00000517fde053d | b828e5a917ff9a9 | 013239144a56f1b | 013239144a56f1b | 821.133.1-312.9/Ve-177 | 821.133.1-312.9/Ve-177 | C417000018513 | Inventorinis | 20/623 | 2020-06-05 | True | True | 10.0 | Euras | 10.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
2760e426 | 000005b9c6e40ea | db42e8130c5b0b6 | 83e071bc6b08934 | 83e071bc6b08934 | 323.2(477)/Pa-172 | 323.2(477)/Pa-172 | C420000180617 | Inventorinis | 17/7414 | 2017-03-22 | True | True | 8.15 | Euras | 8.15 | Euras | ||||||||||
b64c75fa | 00000662c6afa34 | ac3346d28550f87 | 57a8bab793e854f | 57a8bab793e854f | 2/Ar-184 | 2/Ar-184 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:19/932 | 2019-04-02 | MAGAZINE | 2019, Nr. 4 | 1 | 2019 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Euras | |||||||
83af3569 | 000008b24cf30af | d2407b38014a218 | 35b1551c4ab2588 | 35b1551c4ab2588 | 888.2-31/Sp-67 | 888.2-31/Sp-67 | 186000111430 | Inventorinis | 08/1152 | 2008-02-06 | True | True | 5.329 | Euras | 18.4 | Litas | ||||||||||
852cc8dc | 00000dbd326c210 | e99953f479f7765 | f883adc1c16a4da | f883adc1c16a4da | 2.163935 | 2.163935 | LNB000401498 | Inventorinis | 2.166898 | 2000-11-09 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
2a46fd1c | 00000ffca2ca618 | 10834f4e1ce179f | 6e4209ec7a91d34 | 6e4209ec7a91d34 | 888.2-93:087.5(051) / Fl-174 | 888.2-93:087.5(051) / Fl-174 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:06/6895 | 2006-12-08 | MAGAZINE | 2006, Nr. 11 | 1 | 2006 | True | False | 1.1556 | Euras | 3.99 | Litas | 2010-04-22 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||||
b8d6267a | 00001000eb91ec1 | ebcc99c556cdde2 | f883adc1c16a4da | f883adc1c16a4da | 3.283990 | Inventorinis | 3.283890 | 1995-01-05 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | ||||||||||||
8466425b | 000011918207427 | ed6c4ebd7fa3b6f | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 821.133.1(493)/Co-225 | 821.133.1(493)/Co-225 | 016000156304 | Inventorinis | 01/4402 | 2001-03-22 | True | True | 2.8962 | Euras | 10.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
c9739fef | 00001311e087361 | fad236e0eb5b884 | a4ddbe679caed57 | a4ddbe679caed57 | C 821.111/Gl-147 | C 821.111/Gl-147 | 163000220595 | Inventorinis | 07/1817 | 2007-02-09 | True | True | 4.0315 | Euras | 13.92 | Litas | ||||||||||
eb44a573 | 00001385fdbdc5b | f729970c1303f76 | a44fb79ac4cc0c3 | a44fb79ac4cc0c3 | 159.923/Da-452 | 159.923/Da-452 | 015000414225 | Inventorinis | 19/2850 | 2019-07-03 | True | True | 8.16 | Euras | 8.16 | Euras | ||||||||||
0c1b9fb7 | 000016a8d90828e | c7aa8eb32df5bd1 | 8f26ec5d1f665b2 | 8f26ec5d1f665b2 | 004.738.5/Ma-381 | 004.738.5/Ma-381 | Inventorinis | 11/4321 | 2011-12-20 | True | True | 2.5052 | Euras | 8.65 | Litas | |||||||||||
60a1b555 | 000018aae4c93d9 | 0644099ab7c7a8b | 54b6856440da2d3 | 54b6856440da2d3 | 821.111(71)-31/Hi-53 | 821.111(71)-31/Hi-53 | C415000165544 | Inventorinis | 24/1559 | 2024-03-25 | True | True | 15.27 | Euras | 15.27 | Euras | ||||||||||
17137f85 | 00001eb642947ff | 284b481539a9e8e | f8201cbedf7d588 | f8201cbedf7d588 | D821.111-93/Br-228 | D821.111-93/Br-228 | C420000371626 | Inventorinis | 18/5313 | 2018-03-13 | True | True | 7.68 | Euras | 7.68 | Euras | ||||||||||
ce146498 | 000026c77760b4b | a804b878182e5d1 | 079a4833e742202 | 079a4833e742202 | 051(474.5) | Periodikos inventorinis | P:07/9340 | 2007-02-07 | MAGAZINE | 2006, Nr. 8 | 1 | 2006 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2009-12-24 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||||
12caa676 | 0000281f69ee13a | 0ba0a8445c683b4 | 5f625e8c41659e0 | 5f625e8c41659e0 | 821.174-31/Ma-528 | 821.174-31/Ma-528 | 298000039875 | Inventorinis | 05/1379 | 2005-08-08 | True | True | 3.794 | Euras | 13.1 | Litas | ||||||||||
cc61e578 | 00002bd0d15a14d | 95572ebfa23c0ff | 34a12d099a682e1 | 34a12d099a682e1 | 070(474.5) | Periodikos inventorinis | P:06/343 | 2006-02-02 | NEWSPAPER | 2005, Nr. 1-78 | 1 | 2005 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2008-12-24 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||||
63cd02da | 00002c26baf743d | a804b878182e5d1 | f8f4136d2e73146 | f8f4136d2e73146 | 396(474.5)St-193 | 396(474.5)St-193 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:11/941 | 2011-02-08 | MAGAZINE | 2011, Nr. 6 | 1 | 2011 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2014-04-09 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||||
5dffa7a7 | 000030560d27e2d | 1e15a9c2ee5c42c | e8c1dc150b4f743 | e8c1dc150b4f743 | 821.111(73)/Se-61 | 821.111(73)/Se-61 | 000602237 | Inventorinis | 17/10088 | 2017-06-20 | 14 | True | True | 4.94 | Euras | 4.94 | Euras | |||||||||
19d09da0 | 000030b64bf0c46 | ed8b4364d66fd78 | 88719cbfd6c6406 | 88719cbfd6c6406 | 794.8/Ko-377 | C412000068285 | Inventorinis | 09/3037 | 2009-12-28 | True | True | 4.4544 | Euras | 15.38 | Litas | |||||||||||
13940437 | 00003247e2b50ae | c2c170c04de7519 | f21d4d95df74054 | f21d4d95df74054 | 635/Ma-461 | 635/Ma-461 | 217000104984 | Inventorinis | 09/2281 | 2009-05-07 | True | True | 1.1498 | Euras | 3.97 | Litas | ||||||||||
430f74f2 | 0000336037bd582 | a9e0cd390aad2d9 | ecb35806f238d94 | 388d4a7e371511f | SK 1-Go-403 | SK 1-Go-403 | 013000596593 | Inventorinis | 21/8054 | 2021-12-21 | True | True | 9.5 | Euras | 9.5 | Euras | ||||||||||
e7ddf7eb | 0000344d97c6886 | d6eb2ac0541ad62 | da5cfc26912d52e | da5cfc26912d52e | 05/Lž-01 | 05/Lž-01 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:08/267 | 2008-01-12 | MAGAZINE | 2008, Nr. 2 | 2007-01-11 | 1 | 2008 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2014-03-21 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||
e238425c | 000034ca1faac0c | 82e51dd63f71013 | ad0e623a1338b33 | ad0e623a1338b33 | 821.111(73)-31/Br-291 | 821.111(73)-31/Br-291 | C306000091299 | Inventorinis | 33185 | 2004-10-19 | True | True | 6.6584 | Euras | 22.99 | Litas | ||||||||||
3a1531c5 | 0000359ac3ad040 | eee9ccb4539998d | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 821.111(73)/Di-297 | 821.111(73)/Di-297 | C16000597289 | Inventorinis | 24/4036 | 2024-07-04 | True | True | 9.27 | Euras | 9.27 | Euras | ||||||||||
81f81083 | 0000375d21f9ac3 | c47a2135327cea2 | 861d03374929b1a | 861d03374929b1a | A 794:087.5/Kr-177 | A 794:087.5/Kr-177 | 307000225712 | Inventorinis | 23/4511 | 2023-10-02 | True | True | 12.67 | Euras | 12.67 | Euras | ||||||||||
baa45132 | 000037d09f82377 | 246c0651e5776ea | 2651dcc1e96490d | 2651dcc1e96490d | B 821/Kr-241 | B 821/Kr-241 | 185000283839 | Inventorinis | 21/474 | 2021-01-07 | True | True | 1.13 | Euras | 1.13 | Euras | ||||||||||
3f5424fa | 0000383b79d368f | b9de98d457b1176 | 4b9b744cbc9dc54 | 4b9b744cbc9dc54 | C 820-93/Sa-59 | C 820-93/Sa-59 | Inventorinis | 06/30128 | 2006-12-21 | True | False | 6.0154 | Euras | 20.77 | Litas | 2020-01-30 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||||||
b566dc53 | 00003991b035d74 | 5a52bbdf78c8965 | f8f4136d2e73146 | f8f4136d2e73146 | 78 Ak 44 | 78 Ak 44 | Inventorinis | 6-A56 | 2010-03-04 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2018-10-04 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||||||
0a343272 | 00003aa4ec66ad0 | e563e74e191a949 | f883adc1c16a4da | f883adc1c16a4da | 3-07-19959 | 3-07-19959 | LNB000454337 | Inventorinis | 07/19959 | 2007-06-13 | True | True | 6.9509 | Euras | 24.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
11ed35b5 | 00003d4985f5c19 | 810d9c9d12e448c | 09e39781678f820 | 09e39781678f820 | 821.112.2(436)(092)(075.3)/Še-88 | 821.112.2(436)(092)(075.3)/Še-88 | 019000324153 | Inventorinis | 02/4983 | 2002-05-23 | True | False | 1.5929 | Euras | 5.5 | Litas | 2018-05-25 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | ||||||||
9ced797b | 0000439f7e1f964 | e7a14deea1079c8 | 3a5b34ea4ad48e9 | 3a5b34ea4ad48e9 | 945.45/Ne 131 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:19/8209 | 2019-04-11 | MAGAZINE | 2019, Nr. 1 | 1 | 2019 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Euras | 2023-12-15 | Pasibaigęs saugojimo terminas | ||||||
9e312e7d | 00004b946e6af1c | 06177ac71de300c | 5295b69a2ac87d7 | 5295b69a2ac87d7 | 641.5/Vi-247 | 641.5/Vi-247 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:17/5128 | 1998-01-01 | MAGAZINE | 1998, Nr. 11 | 1 | 1998 | True | True | 1.1006 | Euras | 3.8 | Litas | |||||||
f77af054 | 000051e756082c9 | 79f39ce4e4b6aa7 | cd2588aab10f884 | cd2588aab10f884 | B-821.113.5/Ha-116 | B-821.113.5/Ha-116 | C421000237909 | Inventorinis | 24/97 | 2024-01-09 | True | True | 7.0 | Euras | 7.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
853caf33 | 000051f34844c27 | 2993a2c5823cb51 | e423320839964b5 | e423320839964b5 | 396(051) | 396(051) | Periodikos inventorinis | P:18/1031 | 2018-08-10 | True | True | 0.63 | Euras | 0.63 | Euras | |||||||||||
e533fa0d | 0000532417a9b0e | 090f8ac9404a4ea | 6d003db5e622efe | 6d003db5e622efe | 654 | 654 | C304000103156 | Periodikos inventorinis | F:21/327 | 2021-12-30 | MAGAZINE | 2021, Nr. 52 | 2021-12-30 | 1 | 2021 | True | True | 0.56 | Euras | 0.56 | Euras | 2023-11-21 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||
b825d1b1 | 000058ee17b970d | 8bbdde058ffc055 | b273870d2dcf237 | b273870d2dcf237 | 636.7.088/Su-63 | 636.7.088/Su-63 | 161000193827 | Inventorinis | 19/3712 | 2019-07-25 | True | True | 9.11 | Euras | 9.11 | Euras | ||||||||||
7a5b699f | 00005b3f2a4f249 | 761d7592a1996d7 | f576b553443473c | 5cfc1a75c8910a9 | StM34-18 | StM34-18 | LNB000540585 | Inventorinis | 10/5628 | 2010-04-14 | True | True | 1.7377 | Euras | 6.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
4b7996b7 | 00005f7f43cdb0c | 44ba64ed9f9fbf9 | 9f1e12da4fcfe3d | 9f1e12da4fcfe3d | 830-93/Ul-45 | 830-93/Ul-45 | Inventorinis | 02/20903 | 2002-10-23 | True | False | 1.8825 | Euras | 6.5 | Litas | 2012-06-19 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||||||
ecaa5425 | 00006330dbb0be9 | ec39c3c7fe5c98a | 4b1f58111835460 | 4b1f58111835460 | 616.98:579.834.114/Bu-139 | 616.98:579.834.114/Bu-139 | 20700013117 | Inventorinis | 22/412 | 2022-03-22 | True | True | 7.0 | Euras | 7.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
33b85d87 | 000064c8ef99c05 | 69131dbdbdb6c63 | afb96d87d039093 | afb96d87d039093 | 75 / Či 201 | 75 / Či 201 | 188000029033 | Inventorinis | 4-2548 | 2005-06-15 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
b403169e | 00006b8cd5ae27b | 2d9693ff6d1ad68 | f41b7088a1945e1 | f41b7088a1945e1 | 882(091)/Sr21 | 882(091)/Sr21 | C412000056689 | Inventorinis | 14/1422 | 2014-06-25 | True | True | 3.655 | Euras | 12.62 | Litas | ||||||||||
0cd8ce35 | 00006c0ff23faa2 | 93f5cb4e286ba4d | 64b9e975033e4d3 | 64b9e975033e4d3 | 821.113.6-312.4/Ah-15 | 821.113.6-312.4/Ah-15 | C421000170615 | Inventorinis | 22/1137 | 2022-03-04 | True | True | 11.13 | Euras | 11.13 | Euras | ||||||||||
bda57c39 | 00006c56ab2f648 | 7d620bfc7bbf953 | dad93a18cf084e1 | dad93a18cf084e1 | 343.8/Vi-201 | 343.8/Vi-201 | 213000032386 | Inventorinis | 20/324 | 2020-04-09 | True | True | 10.29 | Euras | 10.29 | Euras | ||||||||||
c9208fb4 | 00006c718ae73be | 54fff5ee4b407d4 | f3febeaf4cf5cea | f3febeaf4cf5cea | B821.112.2-93-31/Pr-83 | B821.112.2-93-31/Pr-83 | C306000153506 | Inventorinis | 87372 | 2009-03-05 | True | True | 2.1866 | Euras | 7.55 | Litas | ||||||||||
a75cf9c7 | 00006ddf4cb6588 | dd3a38e9e21467f | 2c0012ba1a7568b | 2c0012ba1a7568b | 7 | C301000167768 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:17/1956 | 2017-01-05 | MAGAZINE | 2017, Nr. 7 | 1 | 2017 | True | False | 1.56 | Euras | 1.56 | Euras | 2019-10-18 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||||
e56c167e | 00006fd4d8585c0 | 89ccd7f014b2f09 | a44fb79ac4cc0c3 | a44fb79ac4cc0c3 | 821.172(092)/Ga-581Bl | 821.172(092)/Ga-581Bl | 015000234170 | Inventorinis | 07/6185 | 2007-03-19 | True | True | 6.082 | Euras | 21.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
59163cf1 | 000070515cf8d4d | d528d831bd7a242 | 54b94787c574a17 | 54b94787c574a17 | 821.172/ Fl-162 | 821.172/ Fl-162 | 166000278966 | Inventorinis | 20/807 | 2020-03-05 | True | True | 8.43 | Euras | 8.43 | Euras | ||||||||||
903af901 | 0000750331054c2 | fc28bfdd89f9e24 | a92705d56d1e7e0 | a92705d56d1e7e0 | 821.111(73)-31/Г-34 | 821.111(73)-31/Г-34 | 191000261496 | Inventorinis | 10/10358 | 2010-05-27 | True | True | 2.8962 | Euras | 10.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
ce1dd5ae | 0000763b0383b63 | a82fdc8a60f49f2 | 30d8b55de6804a8 | 30d8b55de6804a8 | 355 | C301000287036 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:19/10688 | 2019-11-04 | MAGAZINE | 2019, Nr. 10 | 2019-11-04 | 1 | 2019 | True | False | 1.45 | Euras | 1.45 | Euras | 2022-11-29 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||
4154809e | 00007be78fb6816 | 660c5f49aba3a01 | 013239144a56f1b | 013239144a56f1b | 821.111-31/Bl-08 | 821.111-31/Bl-08 | C417000020637 | Inventorinis | 18/349 | 2018-09-11 | True | True | 1.0 | Euras | 1.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
5fe245ac | 00007e4a8c6cd42 | eeab4d3e2a151bf | f883adc1c16a4da | 36a155d7e7fbfdb | 4-02-18881 | HM811`374.2:69/St-114 | LNB000239178 | Inventorinis | 02/23880 | 2002-09-25 | True | True | 23.1696 | Euras | 80.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
88ee4716 | 0000862181bd309 | 7a06f651b16a8d7 | d2e25484967bbc2 | 5084240853de8f0 | AB K=111-Br-249 | AB K=111-Br-249 | 013000091284 | Inventorinis | 00/10858 | 2000-12-27 | True | False | 2.6066 | Euras | 9.0 | Litas | 2015-11-23 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | ||||||||
a8f80087 | 000088b4c058110 | ed36a13c24b615f | 1a5fe52efa8a05a | 1a5fe52efa8a05a | B00/11286 | B00/11286 | 016000348386 | Inventorinis | 00/11286 | 2000-12-18 | True | True | 4.3443 | Euras | 15.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
f37c5d0e | 00008d708d76390 | 6cc2601409e590a | 17eb005a561924e | 17eb005a561924e | PSg-630(051)/Mū143 | PSg-630(051)/Mū143 | 0345280 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:09/7361 | 2009-09-24 | MAGAZINE | 1999, Nr. 10 | 1 | 1999 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | ||||||
d0ff9023 | 00008fb6faea831 | e4ac7ed26015ec0 | a989b3af7764bfc | a989b3af7764bfc | 821.172-1/Mi-342 | 821.172-1/Mi-342 | 183000039401 | Inventorinis | 05/1536 | 2005-12-20 | True | True | 2.7369 | Euras | 9.45 | Litas | ||||||||||
509e3383 | 000092ed090cd18 | 6dfef79bb523a2d | 054e1efbf709b3e | 054e1efbf709b3e | 821.172-1/St-73 | 821.172-1/St-73 | C421000080342 | Inventorinis | 15/2391 | 2015-06-17 | True | True | 1.0 | Euras | 1.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
9ef18707 | 00009443ddab0d8 | df06957d85144bb | db77ec5d843c282 | db77ec5d843c282 | D821.111(73)-93-31/Co-81 | D821.111(73)-93-31/Co-81 | C306000053272 | Inventorinis | 115709 | 2012-12-13 | True | True | 6.9509 | Euras | 24.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
8565ad1c | 00009814e4ea3e7 | fcb9a613be4bb88 | f026d6fee5d7154 | f026d6fee5d7154 | B 821.111-93/Co-287 | B 821.111-93/Co-287 | Inventorinis | 08/2285 | 2008-06-13 | True | True | 4.6571 | Euras | 16.08 | Litas | |||||||||||
63646bf4 | 000098b0ed6f9ee | d736d43c5ed2099 | e8c1dc150b4f743 | e8c1dc150b4f743 | 821.172/Ma-91 | 821.172/Ma-91 | 179000304469 | Inventorinis | 02/1386 | 2002-01-11 | True | False | 2.4907 | Euras | 8.6 | Litas | 2013-09-09 | Perduoti kitoms bibliotekoms ar institucijoms dokumentai | ||||||||
c25526a1 | 000099d923216ee | dcf16a64c9acc7c | 17eb005a561924e | 17eb005a561924e | PSg-55(05)/Ge261 | PSg-55(05)/Ge261 | 0022167 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:03/2195 | 2003-06-23 | MAGAZINE | 2003, Nr. 42 | 1 | 2003 | True | True | 1.7377 | Euras | 6.0 | Litas | ||||||
74d73a70 | 00009a826398400 | b89089b84d3d72a | fddc4ad2cdef827 | fddc4ad2cdef827 | 821.133.1/Mi253 | 821.133.1/Mi253 | Inventorinis | 09/2436 | 2009-03-09 | True | True | 0.2896 | Euras | 1.0 | Litas | |||||||||||
4e87688f | 00009bccabe652d | 5e879cda8d75c57 | f883adc1c16a4da | b5a94ccd81990e3 | 3-23-5226 | VL-A-821.172/Sk-77 | LNB000874662 | Inventorinis | 23/5226 | 2023-03-20 | True | True | 8.0 | Euras | 8.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
3f89219d | 00009e2878ed6af | 46049163bd5317a | 083be5a1e1b1c4d | 083be5a1e1b1c4d | 820(73) Pr - 12 | 820(73) Pr - 12 | Inventorinis | 2513 | 2004-03-01 | True | False | 2.9976 | Euras | 10.35 | Litas | 2004-11-19 | Skaitytojų negrąžinti dokumentai | |||||||||
0e7d39e0 | 00009f244b6d72f | 2b1609d5695689a | 1309fe5a8ca4ccf | 6e31153378ee01e | GA291 | GA291 | LNB000038234 | Inventorinis | 99/7609 | 1999-02-17 | True | True | 2.317 | Euras | 8.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
8bd8c70b | 0000a04b8be95fb | 63155f0a86ce148 | 8ce696c6d7a166e | 8ce696c6d7a166e | B 821.172-1/Bi-471 | B 821.172-1/Bi-471 | 212000140424 | Inventorinis | 19/6679 | 2019-11-20 | True | True | 0.94 | Euras | 0.94 | Euras | ||||||||||
7e4c787c | 0000a2d88cb9460 | 2e8db971666abb1 | e4ddb21c0cb91bd | e4ddb21c0cb91bd | Periodikos inventorinis | nbdb-P:01/18447 | 2001-05-09 | True | True | 0.2896 | Euras | 1.0 | Litas | |||||||||||||
350a824e | 0000a2e214f321b | b0034234e539811 | c1e25bdb4383678 | f1beed77bc85ff0 | 64/Ma381 | 64/Ma381 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:18/352 | 2018-02-02 | MAGAZINE | 2018, Nr. 2 | 1 | 2018 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Euras | 2024-02-08 | Laikino naudojimo (periodika) | |||||
806bad1d | 0000a9ed9dcd591 | d7e81a6f5b7ed0c | f883adc1c16a4da | b5a94ccd81990e3 | VL839.7/Su-63 | LNB000249508 | Inventorinis | 96/9971 | 1996-05-15 | True | True | 1.7377 | Euras | 6.0 | Litas | |||||||||||
d4c09b1c | 0000aa67f6ec367 | da2a6bc0a1643de | 35b1ada366c0159 | 35b1ada366c0159 | 78.071.1(438) / Ch-491 | 78.071.1(438) / Ch-491 | Inventorinis | 43206 | 2017-07-12 | True | True | 5.0 | Euras | 5.0 | Euras | |||||||||||
1179d323 | 0000ad2d104aa00 | 651b0c900ed1077 | e66439d86235403 | e66439d86235403 | VS B 52-Ja-761 | VS B 52-Ja-761 | 013000368219 | Inventorinis | 00/5737 | 2000-09-29 | True | False | 3.962 | Euras | 13.68 | Litas | 2020-06-17 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | ||||||||
6732c66a | 0000aebb4e98913 | 39d496c5496021a | f883adc1c16a4da | f883adc1c16a4da | 2-98-24803 | LNB000027878 | Inventorinis | 98/24803 | 1998-06-19 | True | True | 11.5848 | Euras | 40.0 | Litas | |||||||||||
5314b674 | 0000b08c879549a | 925a9532201175d | 33039c9e97e0d0e | 33039c9e97e0d0e | 0 | 0 | C421000040583 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:10/2518 | 2010-11-19 | MAGAZINE | 2010, Nr. 46 | 2010-11-20 | 1 | 2010 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2013-12-06 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||
9895a102 | 0000b2184ad6a62 | d5c14ada276e1fa | f942aec813c4709 | f942aec813c4709 | 821.111-3/Ca-176 | 821.111-3/Ca-176 | C420000096828 | Inventorinis | 08/9741 | 2008-05-28 | True | False | 8.202 | Euras | 28.32 | Litas | 2016-09-15 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | ||||||||
37791d2d | 0000b2409e69233 | b0f5cbebd990ace | 8bcf9bd59eb139d | 8bcf9bd59eb139d | D821.111(73)-93-312.9/Ol-68 | D821.111(73)-93-312.9/Ol-68 | Inventorinis | 12/7199 | 2012-10-18 | True | True | 8.9 | Euras | 30.73 | Litas | |||||||||||
fba60e92 | 0000b284536305c | 2293da67f71c6fb | f883adc1c16a4da | f883adc1c16a4da | At27285 | At27285 | Inventorinis | 837628 | 2001-03-15 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | |||||||||||
060265fc | 0000b407644f581 | dd3a38e9e21467f | 4cbd57327be730b | 4cbd57327be730b | 7 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:07/4747 | 2007-12-28 | MAGAZINE | 2007, Nr. 11 | 1 | 2007 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2011-09-15 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||||
e21387cb | 0000b7d49a1db63 | f418b8ac391416b | b7cf144cf457458 | b7cf144cf457458 | 396(051)/Ed-07 | C412000056540 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:14/1765 | 2014-09-08 | MAGAZINE | 2014, Nr. 9 | 1 | 2014 | True | False | 0.9355 | Euras | 3.23 | Litas | 2017-12-27 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||
644bfc24 | 0000b8e04ea82cd | 2819efabce5623c | ecb35806f238d94 | ecb35806f238d94 | SK 930-Pa398 | SK 930-Pa398 | Inventorinis | 00/3448 | 2000-07-19 | True | False | 1.5929 | Euras | 5.5 | Litas | 2005-11-21 | Trūkumai atviruose fonduose | |||||||||
56202393 | 0000b924d659133 | c7ec84c5f283246 | 39958c91c41dadc | 39958c91c41dadc | B 398.21(474.5):087.5/Gi-396 | B 398.21(474.5):087.5/Gi-396 | Inventorinis | 6819 | 2006-07-03 | True | True | 0.0197 | Euras | 6.8 | Rublis | |||||||||||
c0419387 | 0000b92fcfcf3a2 | 2b28b15a76a1bc9 | 910030f50debdcb | 910030f50debdcb | B104149 | B104149 | 015000121137 | Inventorinis | 98/286 | 1998-01-09 | True | True | 8.6886 | Euras | 30.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
47065819 | 0000ba794d7da68 | 7ac75d44f9d4b24 | 48aaf21ba322bca | 48aaf21ba322bca | 820(73)/Gr-427 | 179000136171 | Inventorinis | 02/3739 | 2002-01-24 | True | False | 3.7651 | Euras | 13.0 | Litas | 2017-03-17 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||||||
e6148ea0 | 0000bfacc229b78 | 01f41d3d6709c20 | c69fd5a554771ce | c69fd5a554771ce | 839.8 Sa-223 | 839.8 Sa-223 | Inventorinis | 15-A3358 | 2011-03-30 | True | False | 0.0017 | Euras | 0.6 | Rublis | 2015-10-02 | Susidėvėję, skaitytojų sugadinti dokumentai | |||||||||
4b0759f6 | 0000c0333b8f03e | 1ddd8977bfa7b76 | c77f44cc4868e38 | c77f44cc4868e38 | 821.111(73)-31/Mi-18 | 821.111(73)-31/Mi-18 | 209000135115 | Inventorinis | 08/2963 | 2008-04-11 | True | True | 7.3216 | Euras | 25.28 | Litas | ||||||||||
8c96cb58 | 0000c23c7d2bfb9 | 2a18f96cd162d4b | 1b33a7a017a2886 | 1b33a7a017a2886 | 793/Vi-369 | 793/Vi-369 | 169000261411 | Inventorinis | 13/3347 | 2013-06-10 | True | True | 7.562 | Euras | 26.11 | Litas | ||||||||||
65639440 | 0000c599d316b8a | 43c50517946f59e | cdc4e4e4f3317e5 | cdc4e4e4f3317e5 | 821.131.1/Fe-326 | 821.131.1/Fe-326 | 216000105607 | Inventorinis | 18/4197 | 2018-11-23 | True | True | 10.52 | Euras | 10.52 | Euras | ||||||||||
0e8944d2 | 0000cec9dd4c716 | cb636f51564782a | a92705d56d1e7e0 | a92705d56d1e7e0 | 821.172-93-34/Gr-175 | 821.172-93-34/Gr-175 | 191000368043 | Inventorinis | 12/5949 | 2012-06-26 | True | False | 0.3765 | Euras | 1.3 | Litas | 2024-07-19 | Dubletai | ||||||||
196fd393 | 0000d04bf8b8e74 | 419880991cacd06 | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 2ffa99a734d0a4b | 821.172/Ri-91 | 821.172/Ri-91 | 016000248470 | Inventorinis | 08/11794 | 2008-09-02 | True | True | 3.3046 | Euras | 11.41 | Litas | ||||||||||
93a43921 | 0000d0c2cd549f7 | 5c137658af1b58d | d8a9928004bb630 | d8a9928004bb630 | 821.111(73)/Co-05 | 821.111(73)/Co-05 | C214000237059 | Inventorinis | 22/2835 | 2022-08-18 | True | True | 10.0 | Euras | 10.0 | Euras | ||||||||||
a78c4538 | 0000d0f6f9f3360 | 0fbe69f4653ec03 | 967658893016246 | 967658893016246 | 821.172-312.4/Al-146 | 821.172-312.4/Al-146 | C413000074226 | Inventorinis | 14/1124 | 2014-04-17 | True | True | 4.4573 | Euras | 15.39 | Litas | ||||||||||
3afe4ba7 | 0000d2b257a9762 | c50d6a026aa05b6 | b4264b6c7f0c3a2 | b4264b6c7f0c3a2 | 821.133.1 / Sa-58 | 821.133.1 / Sa-58 | 188000093654 | Inventorinis | 6-2337 | 2011-04-20 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | ||||||||||
e1fb80df | 0000d30a05b8fab | bc1dc4b3835fbf9 | 166dd6eb58df29d | 166dd6eb58df29d | Inventorinis | 02/892 | 2002-03-25 | True | False | 0.8689 | Euras | 3.0 | Litas | 2013-09-03 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | |||||||||||
de0c8f23 | 0000d33883b7279 | 2ca82b11c65e27e | 57a8bab793e854f | 57a8bab793e854f | A 888.2/Pa304 | A 888.2/Pa304 | 168000096096 | Inventorinis | 03/2996 | 2003-06-11 | True | True | 0.1825 | Euras | 0.63 | Litas | ||||||||||
3a47499e | 0000d3917188c80 | 496d3ec5f7d3698 | b85820fda5fc1a3 | b85820fda5fc1a3 | 821.172/Ga-581 | 821.172/Ga-581 | 000650496 | Inventorinis | 19/7301 | 2019-06-10 | True | True | 8.93 | Euras | 8.93 | Euras | ||||||||||
a93d797b | 0000d5b9b9794fd | cb0d44cec8d1f24 | 9e4943a3c778091 | 9e4943a3c778091 | B821.131.1-93/St-193 | B821.131.1-93/St-193 | C420000265461 | Inventorinis | 15/8832 | 2015-07-27 | True | True | 4.47 | Euras | 4.47 | Euras | ||||||||||
cb5ae2e0 | 0000d971db1d544 | df9c0cfb4bb0d40 | 51b3b19d8dd507e | 51b3b19d8dd507e | D 821.111(94)-93/Co-184 | D 821.111(94)-93/Co-184 | Inventorinis | 07/4781 | 2007-09-25 | True | True | 4.7614 | Euras | 16.44 | Litas | |||||||||||
fad7ac0c | 0000dbe98737ac6 | b92ce08b4fcd9bb | f2632597d67e060 | f2632597d67e060 | 316 | 316 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:21/2600 | 2021-09-08 | MAGAZINE | 2021, Nr. 32 | 1 | 2021 | True | True | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Euras | |||||||
45ca4616 | 0000deb3cf2bb31 | 7a0f51324cd58c1 | 0c4fb46cb82c188 | 0c4fb46cb82c188 | 64/Me-91 | 64/Me-91 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:06/4939 | 2006-12-19 | MAGAZINE | 2006, nr. 8 | 2006-08-05 | 1 | 2006 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2009-12-28 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai | ||||
05826aa0 | 0000e2de2cf537e | b2eec47bc39bc51 | da5cfc26912d52e | da5cfc26912d52e | 64/Na-129 | 64/Na-129 | Periodikos inventorinis | P:06/3732 | 2006-08-07 | MAGAZINE | 2006, nr. 28 | 1 | 2006 | True | False | 0.0 | Euras | 0.0 | Litas | 2012-05-16 | Nepaklausūs, praradę aktualumą dokumentai |
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